Al and Sheryl Vander Linden
Monroe IA, Lay Directors

Mary Roozeboom
Pella IA, Pastor, 641-780-3684

Peg Den Hartog, Treasurer
804 Linden Lane
Pleasantville, IA 50225

Doug Musser
Des Moines IA

Jim and Carol Newton
Maxwell IA

Kevin and Jeannie Snyder
Bristow IA

Ron and Marjorie Vande Wall
Oskaloosa IA

Brian Voss
Parkersburg, IA

Tessa Wildeboer
Waterloo, IA

Mary Hinderhofer
Grundy Center, IA

Irl and Donell Clarke
Knoxville, IA

Freda Perdue
Ogdon, IA

Caryl Hippen
Parkersburg, IA