What is 4th Day?
Once you’ve complete the 3-Day-Weekend, the remainder of your life is often referred to as your Fourth Day.
Other terms:
- Cursillista
- A reference to a person who has attended the Cursillo 3-Day-Weekend experience.
- Ultreya
- The gathering of the groups. Its purpose is to link the attendees together as a larger community.
- Rollo
- During the 3 Day Weekend, the talks presented to the participants are called Rollos. This is a Spanish term and while presenting occurs a Rollo means more than just an informational presentation. It relies strongly on personal experience and witness.
- Rollista
- This is a Spanish term for informational presentations. They include sharing personal experience and witness.
Secretariat – The governing body for Central Iowa RCA Cursillo. The committee meets several times a year. Each member usually serves for a period of 3 years. The members are lay people and 1 or 2 Pastors who are active in the Central Iowa Cursillo movement. The offices are Lay Director, Secretary and Treasurer.
De Colores—The song titled “De Colores!” was very popular at the time of the first Cursillo on the island of Mallorca (a beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea where spring is a real enchantment of colors). The song expresses the joy of living and exalts the beauties of creation. It was readily adopted by the first Cursillistas as a reflection of their inner feelings. Its popularity carried over from one Cursillo to another and it ended up becoming the theme song of the Movement, even though it was never officially recognized as such.